
How can I run my Kotlin project using Android or IntelliJ?

I have a Kotlin project my friend gave me. But I don't know how to run this project. As I see, this project structure is different from other projects. These images show the project structure.

enter image description here

enter image description here

To run this project, I have opened this project using Android Studio and IntelliJ. But I can't run. I don't even know which file is executable file. Help me! I want to know how to run this project. Thank you for your time. Sincerely.


  • What you have is not an Kotlin Android Project but the content of an APK file. Therefore you don't have the source code but a compiled Android app. You can see that by the existence of classes.dex file, assets, res and META-INF directory.

    That is also the reason you can not open AndroidManifest.xml, it is in XML binary format as it is included in APK files. Only in source projects before compiling it AndroidManifest.xml is a plain text XMl file.

    If you want to run this "project" zip everything to an APK file, zipalign and sign it and then install it on a phone.