I'm using Angular, NgRx and Jest.
I'm having the service which is reading from the store
export class MyFacade {
configuration$ = this.store.select(selectors.selectConfiguration);
I'm using it in my spec file in which I'm testing the effects. I have created the mock class that is implementing it like this
export class MyMockFacade {
configuration$ = of(configObject);
and my spec file looks likt this:
describe('Config Effects', () => {
const mockStore = new MockStore();
const mockFacade = new MyMockFacade();
let actions;
let effects: ConfigEffects;
beforeAll(() => {
Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', {
configurable: true,
value: { reload: jest.fn() }
beforeEach(() => {
providers: [
provideMockActions(() => actions),
{ provide: Store, useValue: mockStore },
{ provide: MyFacade , useValue: mockFacade },
effects = TestBed.inject(ConfigEffects);
I'd like to have the possibility to change the value returned from the configuration$ in the test. How can I achieve it
it('should call ....', () => {
//I would like to be able to assigned new value here!
expect(effects.loadXXX$).toSatisfyOnFlush(() => {
Make configuration$
a BehaviorSubject
so you can specify the value it should emit:
export class MyMockFacade {
configuration$ = new BehaviorSubject<ConfigObject>(null);
it('should call ....', () => {
expect(effects.loadXXX$).toSatisfyOnFlush(() => {