
How to use selector negation (but ...) in Enlive on a more complex HTML snippet?

I have got an HTML snippet similar to:

<div id="root">
    <div id="A" attrib_2="bar"></div>
    <div id="B" attrib_2="baz">
        <div id="H" attrib_1="gnu">
                <div id="F" attrib_2="baz"></div>
    <div id="C" attrib_2="owl"></div>
    <div id="D" attrib_2="uhu"></div>
    <div id="E" attrib_2="boom"></div>

Now, I would like to select all snippets having an attrib_2 (*[attrb_2]) excluding those being descendants of a node having an attrib_1 set. There can be more nesting levels with arbitrary tags (like <p> in this example). With Enlive (, I have already tried something like:

(select snippet [(but (attr? :attrib_1)) (attr? :attrib_2)])

But this doesn't work because the negation (but (attr? :attrib_1)) matches also the <p> tag. Is there a way to express this with the given selector predicates (, or do I have to write my own?

Thanks in advance



  • You have to write your own selector:

    (def parents 
      (zip-pred (fn [loc pred]
                  (some pred (take-while identity (iterate zip/up loc))))))


    and then

    (select snippet [[(attr? :attrib_2) (but (parents (attr? :attrib_1))]])

    should work.