We have an oracle database with several schemes with a lot of tables and grants between the schemes. The initial metadata select of jvx OracleDBAccess, takes about 1 minute. Is there a possibility, to improve the speed of gathering the meta data?
I have a DBStorage, using the OracleDBAccess.
DBStorage dbsContacts = new DBStorage();
First usage of the storage takes about 1 minute.
First, be sure that your statement/query is not the problem. It's possible that the query is slow and you think that metadata queries are the problem.
Simply enable logging for: com.sibvisions.rad.persist.jdbc
In your example, if this is the real use-case, the query shouldn't be a problem because it's a select * from CONTACTS
(and some joins if your table has foreign keys).
Next, try to optimize metadata directly in your database:
purge dba_recyclebin;
Above statemens will cleanup the metadata cache and recalculates statistics.
Additional information about gather_dictionary_stats, gather_fixed_objects_stats, gather_system_stats
Also a similar question for Oracle 12c.