
My Business API: "Provided service type ID is not among those supported by the business's categories."

I am trying to patch a location with some new service types and I am using validateOnly set to true.

But the response I am getting is: "Provided service type ID is not among those supported by the business's categories."

I have been testing with different serviceId types such as:


but to no avail.

Full error message is:

  "error": {
    "code": 400,
    "message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
    "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
    "details": [
        "@type": "",
        "fieldViolations": [
            "field": "service_items[0].structured_service_item.service_type_id",
            "description": "Provided service type ID is not among those supported by the business's categories."

I am using the official PHP API client + service APIs as provided here:

Official API reference:

Any tips?


  • You misunderstood that documentation. The endpoint to get the categories will show you the available serviceIds per category if you request the FULL CategoryView (

    To inspect available services for the given categories, a less cumbersome approach is to add them to a test location via the GBP UI and then execute a location get request and readMask set to serviceItems to inspect what the serviceItems array looks like for that location.

    Added by the OP: For anyone wondering about location object difference between location->categories->primaryCategory->serviceTypes (also for ->additionalCategories[x]) and location->serviceItems some info to clarify: