Apologies straight away for no MRE.
I am using fread() to pile about 45 different .csv files one on top of each other in a single dataframe.
dat<-fread(cmd='cat data/*.csv, header=T)
I copied this from webb's answer to this question.
It's working well and reading in nicely, but every column is being saved as character at the moment when about 90% of them are actually numeric.
dat<-fread(cmd='cat data/*.csv, header=T,colClasses="numeric")
I tried to coerce everything to numeric but that didn't work. Is there any way to fix this Thanks!
Try this (data.table) approach
files.to.read <- list.files(path = "./data",
pattern = ".*\\.csv$",
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = FALSE)
L <- lapply(files.to.read, fread)
DT <- rbindlist(L, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
I used 3 lines of code for readability. But you van easily convert them to a single line if needed.