I'm trying to change the user mode from "Regular" to "Power User" by modifying the global tag group using the following script:
TagGroup global_tag_group = GetPersistentTagGroup()
String tag_path = "Private:Application Defaults:Application Mode"
String application_mode = "Expert"
global_tag_group.TagGroupSetTagAsString(tag_path, application_mode)
After running this script, the global tag group is updated, and the application mode tag is set to "Expert". However, the tick in the Help → User Mode menu does not change accordingly. It appears that while clicking Help → User Mode → Power User successfully updates the tick, updating the tag group via script does not reflect this change in the UI.
What I've Tried:
Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You could use:
ChooseMenuItem("Help","User Mode","Power User")
ChooseMenuItem("Help","User Mode","Regular")
Or you can alternatively use: