I am getting JSON response like below
[ { "Status": "00" }, { "Order Due Date": "", "Customer Address": "", "ConsumerId": "", "Amount Paid": "", "Date Created": "", "Customer Email": "", "TransactionStatus": "", "Date Paid": "", "Total Penalty": "", "OrderId": "", "Payment Mode": "", "Id": "", "Issue Date": "", "Customer Mobile": "", "Order Amount": "" } ]
As can be seen, field names have spaces in them. I am deserializing it via /ui2/cl_json=>deserialize
into the following table, but it's not happening due to the spaces in field names.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_data,
Id TYPE string,
"Order Due Date" TYPE string, "invalid ABAP syntax, commented
OrderDueDate TYPE string, "correct
fld3 TYPE string,
fld4 TYPE string,
fld5 TYPE string,
fld6 TYPE string,
fld7 TYPE string,
fld8 TYPE string,
fld9 TYPE string,
fld10 TYPE string,
fld11 TYPE string,
fld12 TYPE string,
fld13 TYPE string,
fld14 TYPE string,
fld15 TYPE string,
END OF ty_data.
Please help. I am using ABAP 7.5.
The field names have to be mapped. This can be achived by using the name_mapping parameter of the method.
JSON: Order Due Date
DATA( lt_name_mappings ) = VALUE /ui2/cl_json=>name_mappings( ( abap = 'ORDER_DUE_DATE'
json = 'Order Due Date' ) ). "This for all fields to be mapped
CALL METHOD /ui2/cl_json=>deserialize
json = json_file
* jsonx =
* pretty_name = PRETTY_MODE-NONE
* assoc_arrays = C_BOOL-FALSE
* assoc_arrays_opt = C_BOOL-FALSE
name_mappings = lt_name_mappings
* conversion_exits = C_BOOL-FALSE
* hex_as_base64 = C_BOOL-TRUE
data = ls_data.