For example, I have this model:
import File exposing (File)
type alias Model =
{ selectedFiles : Dict String File
, fileUploadInfoList : List FileUploadInfo
, modalSelectedFile : Maybe File
type Msg
= SelectedFiles String (List File)
| Upload Int
| UploadedFiles (Result Http.Error (List FileInfo))
| DownloadedFile String (Result Http.Error Bytes.Bytes)
| DownloadFile FileInfo
| LoadedFiles (Result Http.Error (List FileInfo))
| OpenModal { startFocusOn : String, returnFocusTo : String } FileInfo
| ModalMsg Modal.Msg
| Focus String
| Dismiss
| DismissModal
| SelectModalFile (List File)
| UpdateFile
| UpdatedFile (Result Http.Error FileInfo)
And in update function:
update : Msg -> Model -> { token : String, apiBaseUrl : String } -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model apiParams =
case msg of
SelectedFiles key [ file ] ->
( { model | selectedFiles = Dict.insert key file model.selectedFiles }, Cmd.none )
When I write tests for this update function how do I call it in the test? The dictionary value is of type File. How do I create a test file? What to put for [ file ] ?
is an opaque type, meaning that it can't be created outside of the module where it's defined. In this case, there isn't a way to create a File
value in a test environment, because the only ways that the package exposes to create a value are via a Cmd
or via a Decoder
, and that decoder won't work in node.js.
If you want to be able to test this message, you will need to use a different type in the message. You can move your logic that converts a File
into a FileInfo
into your event handler, so that the message only deals with FileInfo
elm-program-test provides shim types to support testing Cmd
values, but does not yet support File