I recently updated my Android Studio version to the newest one (giraffe) and I noticed the themes.xml
is now changed and does not give you the colors (teal and purple) like it would in previous versions.
But once I ran the newly created app, I noticed the status bar has a purple color.
How can I access the colors in this theme? And how can I get the exact hex colors used?
I had the same problem, but I was only able to override theme in the themes.xml using somethings like:
<item name="colorOnSurface">@color/white</item>
<item name="android:navigationBarColor">@color/colorPrimaryVariant</item>
<!-- Status bar color. -->
<item name="android:statusBarColor" >?attr/colorPrimaryVariant</item>
And my in colors.xml I had
<color name="colorPrimaryVariant">#1F2326</color>
I have also tried locating the Material3 colors.xml and values.xml and I found them under