I have this code:
datasets.raw <- fromJSON(query, flatten = TRUE, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
datasets.df <- do.call(rbind, datasets.raw) #convert to dataframe
alternatively, the data could be obtained like this:
datasets.df <- structure(list(id = c("221", "PXD011681", "PXD013748", "PXD017277",
"PXD013449", "PXD017613"),
source = c("221", "pride", "pride", "pride", "pride", "pride"),
fields.species = list(221L, "Homo Sapiens (human)", c("Passer Hispaniolensis", "Passer Domesticus Domesticus" ), "Bifidobacterium Longum Subsp. Longum", "Homo Sapiens (human)",
"Homo Sapiens (human)")),
row.names = c("hitCount", "entries.1",
"entries.2", "entries.3", "entries.4", "entries.5"), class = "data.frame")
I would like to unpack the lists inside the columns, such as the one in datasets.df$fields.species, and convert them into individual rows. FWIK, unnest_longer() should be ideal for this. I've tried:
unpack <- datasets.df %>% unnest_longer(fields.species)
but this gives me an error:
! Can't combine `..1$fields.species` <integer> and `..3$fields.species` <character>.
Any idea why this does not work?
(unpack <- datasets.df %>%
rowwise() |>
fields.species =
list(as.character(fields.species))) |>