
How to insert table in Word without clipboard using vb.net

Currently I'm working on improving a translated Word VBA code in VB.net. The program processes 200+ Word documents. So far, the program is running OK. I have an issue with inserting a table that contains images and text (from a template, wTemp) at the begining of each of the documents (wDoc). The way it is done now (and in the VBA) uses the clipboard - copy wTemp.Table(1) and paste it at wDoc.range(0,0).

However, there are at least two issues with this:

What I would like to achieve is described in the following (pseudo) code:

open wTemp(readonly)
dim wTable as word.table = wTemp.tables(1) ' the table I need is the first one
close wTemp(false) ' preferably!
for each wDoc in someCollection
  open wDoc
  wDoc.Application.Selection.HomeKey(Word.WdUnits.wdStory, Word.WdMovementType.wdMove)
  ' here comes the copy/paste code that works, but I want to replace it with something like this
   ' insert wTable at current selection point
   wDoc.Range.FormattedText = wTable.Range.FormattedText 'thanks to @Oscar-sun

next wDoc
wTemp.close(false) ' if I have to keep it open for the duration of the loop

I understand that tables.add() method allows you to inserts a table with rows/colums, but I don't need to construct the table since it is already in wTemp.


I completely overlooked the .Range.FormattedText property! Thanks to @Oscar-Sun I updated the code with the missing statement:

wDoc.Range.FormattedText = wTable.Range.FormattedText.


  • You can try FormattedText property instead of the clipboard method, refer to my answer here:

    Rem implement without the clipboard
    myDoc.Range(tbl.Cell(tbl.Rows.count, 1).Range.Start, tbl.Cell(tbl.Rows.count, 1).Range.Start).FormattedText = tbl.Rows(2).Range.FormattedText

    So, TRY THIS FIRST! give it a shot !!

    open wTemp(readonly)
    dim wTable as word.table = wTemp.tables(1) ' the table I need is the first one
    close wTemp(false) ' preferably!
    for each wDoc in someCollection
      open wDoc
      wDoc.Application.Selection.HomeKey(Word.WdUnits.wdStory, Word.WdMovementType.wdMove)
      ' here comes the copy/paste code that works, but I want to replace it with something like this
          'insert wTable at current selection point
            Selection.Range.FormattedText= wTable.Range.FormattedText'TRY THIS FIRST ! give it a shot !!
            rem And remember : Try to avoid using Selection objects, but use Range objects. OK?
    next wDoc
    wTemp.close(false) ' if I have to keep it open for the duration of the loop