I am making a table with kableExtra
version 1.3.4 in a beamer presentation with quarto
version 1.4.274 using the following code and installing tinytex
version 0.46 with tinytex::install_tinytex()
payoff_ultimatum <- tibble(participante = c('Receptor', 'Receptor'),
oferta = c('Acepta', 'Rechaza'),
pagos = c('$((1- \\lambda)N, \\lambda N)$', '$(0,0)$'))
payoff_ultimatum |>
kbl(col.names = c('', '', '$\\lambda \\in [0,1]$'),
format = 'latex', align = 'c', booktabs = TRUE,
escape = FALSE) |>
kable_styling() |>
column_spec(column = c(1, 2), bold = TRUE) |>
collapse_rows(columns = 1, valign = 'middle') |>
add_header_above(header = c(' ' = 2, 'Proponente' = 1),
align = 'c',
bold = TRUE)
I get the following result:
I want to make bold the header which contains the desire equation like this. I try the following code including in the YALM
the related package \usepackage{bm}
- text: |
# Teoría de juegos
payoff_ultimatum <- tibble(participante = c('Receptor', 'Receptor'),
oferta = c('Acepta', 'Rechaza'),
pagos = c('$((1- \\lambda)N, \\lambda N)$', '$(0,0)$'))
payoff_ultimatum |>
kbl(col.names = c('', '', '$\\boldsymbol{\\lambda \\in [0,1]}$'),
format = 'latex', align = 'c', booktabs = TRUE,
escape = FALSE) |>
kable_styling() |>
column_spec(column = c(1, 2), bold = TRUE) |>
collapse_rows(columns = 1, valign = 'middle') |>
add_header_above(header = c(' ' = 2, 'Proponente' = 1),
align = 'c',
bold = TRUE)
But I get the following error ! Improper alphabetic constant. <to be read again> \mitlambda
. I am not and expert in latex
but the following code works which is what kableExtra
version 1.3.4 and quarto
version 1.4.274 are using in relation to the table I am trying to build:
\frametitle{Teoría de juegos}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{ }} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Proponente}} \\
& & $\boldsymbol{\lambda\in[0,1]}$\\
& \textbf{Acepta} & $((1- \lambda)N, \lambda N)$\\
\multirow{-2}{*}{\centering\arraybackslash \textbf{Receptor}} & \textbf{Rechaza} & $(0,0)$\\
Anyone knows how can I render this table with a bold equation in the header using quarto
without getting errors as in the case of latex