
My AWS Fargate Task auto stoped when adding command to task definition

This is my CDK code

const laravelCommand = [
 taskDefinition.addContainer(`${projectName}-${imageName}-container-${env}`, {
      containerName: `${projectName}-${imageName}-container-${env}`,
      image: ecs.ContainerImage.fromEcrRepository(props.laravelApiEcr, 'latest'),
      logging: laravelApiLogDriver,
      environment: {
      portMappings: [
          containerPort: 80,
          hostPort: 80,
          protocol: ecs.Protocol.TCP
      command: laravelCommand,

When I comment my command command: laravelCommand,, then my task working perfectlly, but command added It will be stoped exit code 0 The log is only 'Nothing to migrate'

Why add laravel command to my ecs task then it will be auto stoped after the command excuted?


  • As mark-b said in replies, your command php artisan migrate runs migrations and stop. If you want to run webserver you have to launch a webserver launch command instead of launching migrations. For example you can add an entrypoint to your dockerfile to run the migration and an ECS command to start the webserver.

    As a testing purpose you can replace your current command by php artisan serve --port=80 and see what happens. Normally it should fire up the built-in server and your task should keep running.

    Be sure to not use this php built-in server for production, instead use Nginx for production.