
How to display values from a powershell array created by select-string

I have an array and use select-string to find duplicates.

$2 = $arraySNOW | Select-String -Pattern $request

The process usually finds 2 items and but each item is now rapped inside @{} object and I can not access the value for a specific property


@{number=63887630; request=abc560vi}

$2 | Get-Member
TypeName: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     Object[]                                 System.Array

How to pull the value of the request for both items in $2?


  • Santiago Squarzon has provided the crucial pointer:

    Select-String is for string searches, whereas you want OO techniques to filter your objects, so you should use Where-Object to filter your objects by a property value of interest:

    # Filters the input objects by whether their .Request property
    # matches the specified regex pattern.
    $arraySNOW | Where-Object Request -match $request

    The above passes the matching input objects through, so you can access their properties as needed; e.g., to get the .number property values of the matching objects:

    $arraySNOW | Where-Object request -match $request |
      ForEach-Object number  # alternatively: Select-Object -ExpandProperty number

    Or, more succinctly, using member-access enumeration:

    ($arraySNOW | Where-Object request -match $request).number

    As for what you tried:

    $arraySNOW | Select-String -Pattern $request returns any number of Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo instances describing the string matches performed on the input objects.

    If Select-Object emits two ore more objects and you capture them in a variables ($2 = ...) PowerShell automatically collects them in an [object[]] (System.Object[]) array for you.

    The for-display representation of a MatchInfo instance you saw with $2[0] is in essence the value of its .Line property: