Need help I have nested list, I would like to change all the value of the photo become empty list, the list are below :
df <- list(messaging = list (telegram = list (registered = 'true', photo = c(list()), LastSeen = '2023-03-03T01:54:31Z' ),
whatsapp = list (registered = 'true', photo = "dg872tg82f8gf782gf82", LastSeen = '2023-03-03T01:54:31Z', about = "John" ),
viber = list (registered = 'true', photo = "dg872tdewfrgggf782gf82", LastSeen = '2023-03-03T01:54:31Z', name = "John" )))
Right now i do it manual like this :
df$messaging$whatsapp$photo <- c(list())
df$messaging$viber$photo <- c(list())
My output expectation is like below picture but using map function because in the actual the list will have lot of nested list
Thanks for any help
map(df, \(c1) map(c1, \(c2) map2(c2, names(c2), \(c3, n) if (n == "photo") c() else c3)))
for each child of a c1 (c2) (telegram, whatsapp, viber)
for each child and name of a c2 (c3) (registered, photo, lastseen etc.)