
SolrNet retrieving a field value in Sitefinity MVC view

I am using Solr for internal Search and also for filtering content items in my Sitefinity MVC. I am creating a View for a list of events, the View will be used to render the Search results of my Solr widget.

My Event content type has a field for "Summary", which is a Long text (text area) type. More about filed types in Sitefinity can be found here:

For some reason, I can pull any other field values and display them in my View, except for the "Summary" field.

For Short text fields I used @item.getStringField("State") and it works fine.

For my Long text (editor) fields, which are HTML content, I used @Html.Raw(item.getHtmlField("Agenda")) and they also work fine, so I thought I can do the same with "Summary" field but this @Html.Raw(item.getHtmlField("Summary")) does not return any value.

How does Solr see Long text (text area) different than Long text (editor) or Short text? Do I need a different method other than getHtmlField() for Long text (text area) fields?


  • In Sitefinity MVC views you can access the fields through item.Fields.FieldName. And in details view you use Model.Item.Fields.FieldName

    Here is an example for the Summary field in the listing view:


    In the details view you can get the Summary using the below:


    You will need to add the below using statement:

    @using Telerik.Sitefinity.Frontend.Mvc.Helpers