
How to deal with non-termination error in Cubical Agda

I am using the usual coinductive definition of the M-type, defined below.

record M (S : Set) (Q : S → Set) : Set where
  constructor sup-M
    shape : S
    pos : Q shape → M S Q
open M

I define a family Pos over M, which has specified target types (namely the target types use sup-M and aren't generic for any m : M).

data Pos : M S Q → Set where
    here : {s : S} {f : Q s → M S Q} → Pos (sup-M s f) 
    below : {s : S} {f : Q s → M S Q} → (q : Q s) → Pos (f q) → Pos (sup-M s f)

Say that for fixed S : Set, Q : S → Set, X Y : Set, s : S, h : Q s → Y, g : Y → X, I define the function below going into M.

β₁ : Y → M S Q
shape (β₁ y) = s
pos (β₁ y) = β₁ ∘ h

Then if I want to define a function β₂ : (y : Y) → Pos (β₁ y) → X, I'm not able to pattern-match on the second argument because it's not of the form Pos (sup-M s f). I can get around this in a few ways, one of which is by noting that in Cubical Agda we have (propositional) eta-equality for M:

M-eta-eq : {S : Set} {Q : S → Set} (m : M S Q) → sup-M (shape m) (pos m) ≡ m
shape (M-eta-eq m i) = shape m
pos (M-eta-eq m i) = pos m

So I can define a helper function β₂' : (y : Y) → Pos (sup-M s (β₁ ∘ h)) → X which allows pattern matching, and then define β₂ in terms of β₂' using the fact that M-eta-eq (β₁ y) : sup-M s (β₁ ∘ h) ≡ β₁ y.

β₂' : (y : Y) → Pos (sup-M s (β₁ ∘ h)) → X
β₂' y here = g y
β₂' y (below q p) = β₂' (h q) (subst Pos (sym (M-eta-eq (β₁ (h q)))) p)

β₂ : (y : Y) → Pos (β₁ y) → X
β₂ y p = β₂' y (subst Pos (sym (M-eta-eq (β₁ y))) p)

The problem with this is that it raises a non-terminating error, presumably because Agda can't tell that subst Pos (sym (M-eta-eq (β₁ (h q)))) p is structurally smaller than below q p. So my question is:

Can I prove to Agda that β₂' terminates? Perhaps something making use of subst-filler?

P.S. I have tried other approaches, like defining β₂ using the eliminator of Pos, or adding an equality of the form m ≡ sup-M s f to the constructors of Pos, and then having the target types be of type Pos m. While I was able to define β₂ successfully in both cases, both approaches introduced many substs and transports to proofs of equality involving β₂ that I have to do later on. I am wondering if there is a better way to define Pos, especially since I know inductive families are still not fully supported in Cubical Agda.

Many thanks for any help!


  • You should generally try to avoid green slime both in function arguments and in constructor return types: indices that yield difficult unification problems (in this case, M doesn't have definitional eta equality, so even sup-M is difficult).

    Things go smoothly if you use variables instead:

      data Pos : M S Q → Set where
          here : {m : M S Q} → Pos m
          below : {m : M S Q} → (q : Q (shape m)) → Pos (pos m q) → Pos m
      β₁ : M S Q
      shape β₁ = s
      pos β₁ _ = β₁
      β₂ : (y : Y) → Pos β₁ → X
      β₂ y here = g y
      β₂ y (below q p) = β₂ (h q) p
      _ : {y : Y} → β₂ y here ≡ g y
      _ = refl