I have a react UI that consumes the Web API. Actually the react UI exists within the same project as the API Controllers. Everything works fine as long as the API Controllers DO NOT have an [Authorize]
However, with [Authorize]
, I am seeing the API(s) returning http 401 errors. And this is where my question(s) begin - why 401?
I have done the following things:
In Azure AD app, under API Permissions, I added 3 permissions (Azure.Storage user_impersonation, Microsoft.Graph User.Read, and my web API access_as_user).
When the UI makes a request to an API, I am adding a header with the Authorization bearer token. Here is the screenshot of that:
I obtain the access token using PublicClientApplication
's acquireTokenSilent
I obtain the access token using this scope
Note: in the 401 response, I see this message that suggests the tokens is incorrect. Why is the token bad?
let scopes: string[] = [`${process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID}/.default`];
It turns out the problem was that I was generating/using the wrong access token.