
How can I log into file and on console at the same time with "tee" command?

I'm executing a python file with powershell and I would like to get the log in a file and on console also, so tried to use the tee command.

cd folder
.\ | tee log.txt

But error was thrown back

Cannot run a document in the middle of a pipeline

Python file just contains 1 line of code

print "test"

How can I use this command at the right way?


  • You have to call python to execute the script. Try executing in the folder where and log.txt is:

    python | tee log.txt

    The explanation is that ./ without python command tries to run or open the file, but you are not executing it. Then, you try to to pass the ouput to log.txt with the pipe operator and tee. So it is the expected behaviour.

    Aditionally, you are using python 2 syntax which is deprecated since ages. Try using print("test") inside the script.