This question flows from the answer to:How does one set up multiple accounts with separate databases for Django on one server?
I haven't seen anything like this on Google or elsewhere (perhaps I have the wrong vocabulary), so I think input could be a valuable addition to the internet discourse.
How could one configure a server likeso:
I.e. Given Django projects (with corresponding FastCGI socket):
The Django projects being started with a (oversimplified) script likeso:
/django_projects/$NAME/ runfcgi protocol=$PROTO socket=$SOCKET
I want traffic to to direct the request to the correct Django application depending on the user that is logged in.
In other words, should come "be" /tmp/bob.fcgi if bob is logged in, /tmp/joe.fcgi if joe is logged in, /tmp/sue.fcgi if sue is logged in. If no-one is logged in, it should redirect to a login page.
I've contemplated a demultiplexing "plexer" FastCGI script with the following algorithm:
If the cookie $PLEX is set, pipe request to /tmp/$PLEX.fcgi
Otherwise redirect to login page (which sets the cookie PLEX based on a many-to-one mapping of Username => PLEX)
Of course as a matter of security $PLEX should be taint checked, and $PLEX shouldn't give rise to any presumption of trust.
A Lighttpd configuration would be likeso (though Apache, Nginx, etc. could be used just as easily):
fastcgi.server = ( "plexer.fcgi" =>
( "localhost" =>
"socket" => "/tmp/plexer.fcgi",
"check-local" => "disable"
Input and thoughts, helpful links, and to know how to properly implement the FastCGI plexer would all be appreciated.
Thank you.
Here's roughly how I solved this:
In lighttpd.conf
$SERVER["socket"] == "localhost:81" {
include_shell "/opt/bin/"
And corresponding
import fileinput
ACCOUNT_LIST_FILE = "/opt/servers/account_list.txt"
for user in fileinput.input(ACCOUNT_LIST_FILE):
print """
$HTTP[\"url\"] =~ \"^/%s/\" {
scgi.server = ( \"/\" =>
\"socket\" => \"/tmp/user-socket-%s.scgi\",
\"check-local\" => \"disable\",
""" % (user, user)
Where ACCOUNT_LIST_FILE contains a number of accounts, e.g.
The server will map to /tmp/user-socket-abc1.scgi, where presumably a Django instance for user abc1 is talking SCGI.
One must obviously perform some sort of taint checking on the names of accounts (I generate these).