
No reference fields in the node object that Contentful Rich Text receives from Gatsby and GraphQL

I'm using Gatsby 5 and contentful/rich-text-react-renderer.

I have a ContentfulPost type that has some links to related types within the rich text.

I'm following the docs (from Gatsby and Contentful), that say that I need to query them in GraphQL:

query MyQuery {
  allContentfulPost {
    nodes {
      body {
        references {
          ... on ContentfulAlbum {

And that works fine:

 "nodes": [
          "body": {
            "references": [
                "contentful_id": "2P4r0pD6zphEIiOaKEaprO",
                "__typename": "ContentfulAlbum",
                "id": "06305ddb-a3fa-5265-9a2a-3e43524d351e",
                "slug": "disorders"

The docs then state that I should create a custom renderer and use some properties within (see "references" section). These are the options I use:

const options2 = {
    renderNode: {
        [INLINES.ENTRY_HYPERLINK]: (node) => {

            return <></>;

However, the only fields I get in the logs are:

data: Object { target: {…} }
target: Object { sys: {…} }
sys: Object { id: "2P4r0pD6zphEIiOaKEaprO", type: "Link", linkType: "Entry" }

So, no slug that I can use.

I've seen everywhere ( or ) that the solution is to clear the cache (using gatsby clear, for example). However, that doesn't work in my case.

My goal is to render links with a dynamic url (${locale}/music/${slug})


  • I've found the problem: the plugin itself.

    Instead of using contentful/rich-text-react-renderer I should use gatsby-source-contentful/rich-text. That one does indeed populate the node object with the query from GraphQL