I've been practising with Alpine.JS and attempted to create a back to top button. I've got stuck as the button does not hide at all, I'm trying to get Alpine to recognise when the user scrolls down to a certain height, then show the button.
"is-hidden" is a bulma css property
Here is the code:
<body x-data="{show_backToTop: true}"
@scroll.window="show_backToTop = (window.pageYOffset > 200) ? false : true">
<!-- back to top scroll button -->
<div class="show_backToTop ? 'block' : 'is-hidden' ">
<div id="back_To_Top"
x-data @click="window.scrollTo({top: 0, behavior: 'smooth'})" // ignore this, this is the script to return to the top of page
<p>Back to top</p>
One problem is in the class of the button: to make it dynamic you have to precede it with a colon - more info here
Another problem is in the logic: the show_backToTop flag should be initialized to false and set to true if the page is scrolled down
Here a working example - I have reduced the offset scroll to 30
<body x-data="{show_backToTop: false}"
@scroll.window="show_backToTop = window.pageYOffset > 30"
<!-- simple style for the sticky button -->
position: fixed;
top: 0;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 10;
<div :class="show_backToTop ? 'block' : 'is-hidden'">
<div id="back_To_Top"
@click="window.scrollTo({top: 0, behavior: 'smooth'})"
<p>Back to top</p>
<table style="width:100%"> <!-- this is only to fill out the page for testing -->
<template x-for="i in 100">
<td x-text="i"></td>