Using InternetSetOption
to set the username
and password
when connecting to a REST
service. I notice that WinInet
does not send the Authorization header when I call HttpSentRequest
even though I called InternetSetOption first. Seems ridiculous that you have to get a response from the server with a WWW-Authenication header first. That creates an entire extra request to the server on every request.
Is there a WinInet
call to force the Authorization header on the first call or do I have to add it manually?
After some deliberation and research, I think the answer is no. To set an Authorization header, WinInet needs to know what authentication method it should use, not just what username and password. The standard way to determine an authentication scheme is to send an unauthenticated request and read the WWW-Authenticate header.
If you know that your request needs Basic Authentication, you can set the Authorization: header yourself, using HttpAddRequestHeaders
HttpAddRequestHeaders(hRequest, TEXT("Authentication: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA=="), -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE);
Calculate the base64-encoding of your own "user:password" string using CryptBinaryToString