
PEP 622 - can match statement be used as an expression?

PEP 622 introduced match statement as an alternative to if-elif-else. However, one thing I can't find in the proposal or in any of the material online is whether the match statement can be used as an expression and not just as a statement.

A couple of examples to make it clear:

Example 1:

def make_point_2d(pt):
    match pt:
        case (x, y):
            return Point2d(x, y)
        case _:
            raise TypeError("not a point we support")

Example 2:

match response.status:
    case 200:
    case 301 | 302:

In the first example, the function returns from inside a case clause, and in the second example, nothing is returned. But I want to be able to do something like the following hypothetical example:

spouse = match name:
    case "John":
    case "David":

But it doesn't compile.


  • Not in Python.

    In Rust and Haskell, matches are expressions composed of expressions:

    let spouse = match name {
        // expr => expr,
        "John" => "Jane",
        // expr => {stmt; stmt; expr},
        "David" => {let s = "Alice"; println!("Matched David"); s},
        _ => panic!("Unknown name"),
      spouse <- case name of
        "John" -> return "Jane"
        "David" -> do
          let s = "Alice"
          putStrLn "Matched David"
          return s
 it's not technically impossible that the Python match statement couldn't have been designed to work as an expression. Presumably, the reason it was avoided for Python are syntactical reasons:

    1. Python does not have syntax for expression statements (e.g. {stmt; stmt; expr}).

      spouse = match name:
          case "John":
          case "David":  # stmt; stmt; expr
              s = "Alice"
              print("Matched David")
    2. Indentation to indicate a block being treated as an expression may look unnatural to some people. (See also: match grammar.)

    That said, it is possible your proposed syntax could be accepted in the future.