The user-agent of my normal desktop Firefox:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0
The user agent that Firefox sends when I cache some files with service-worker.js:
Mozilla/5.0 (Android 4.4; Mobile; rv:109.0) Gecko/109.0 Firefox/109.0
Note 1: I get this result in normal desktop website browsing.
Note 2: When I inspect the network traffic in the developer console, the user-agent is sent normally. However, when I test it on the server side, it gives results as if it is a mobile browser.
Note 3: When I refresh the page with ctrl+f5, it shows the correct user-agent for once.
My service-worker.js file:
let version;
version = 4;
// This is the service worker with the combined offline experience (Offline page + Offline copy of pages)
const CACHE = "system-v"+version;
// TODO: replace the following with the correct offline fallback page i.e.: const offlineFallbackPage = "offline.html";
const offlineFallbackPage = "pwa-offline/?v="+version;
self.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
if ( && === "SKIP_WAITING") {
self.addEventListener('install', async (event) => {
.then((cache) => cache.add(offlineFallbackPage))
if (workbox.navigationPreload.isSupported()) {
new RegExp('/*\.(js|css|jpe?g|png|gif|webp|svg|ico)'),
new workbox.strategies.StaleWhileRevalidate({
cacheName: CACHE
self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
event.respondWith((async () => {
try {
const preloadResp = await event.preloadResponse;
if (preloadResp) {
return preloadResp;
const networkResp = await fetch(event.request);
return networkResp;
} catch (error) {
const cache = await;
const cachedResp = await cache.match(offlineFallbackPage);
return cachedResp;
What is causing this problem and how can I solve it?
Problem has been detected. It's a add-on problem. Official side view add-on injects user agent when using service worker.
Problem has been detected. It's a add-on problem. Official side view add-on injects user agent when using service worker.