
manipulating multiple sum() values in pyspark pivot table

I'm having a little difficulty in further manipulating a pyspark pivot table to give me a reduced result. My data is a little more complex than the example below, but it's the best example I can come up with to illustrate what I'm trying to do:

Let's say I have a table as follows:

stock day time hour price units price_x_units
A 1 1:10 1 2.1 3 6.3
A 1 1:15 1 2.0 4 8.0
A 2 1:03 1 2.2 2 4.4
A 2 2:45 2 1.0 4 4.0
B 1 2:12 2 1.2 5 6.0
... ... ... ... ... ...

So the data above represents stock prices that fluctuate in price during the day, and the number of units bought at specific times during that day. I can pivot this as follows:

pivotdf = df.groupby("stock", "hour").pivot("day").sum("price_x_units", "units")

To give me

(stock,hour) \ day 1 2 3 4 ...
(A,1) (14.3, 7) (4.4, 2) ... ...
(A,2) (4.0, 2) ...
(B,2) (6.0,5)
... ... ... ... ...

However I want to perform the calculation "price_x_units" / "units" for each resultant cell:

(stock,hour) \ day 1 2 3 4 ...
(A,1) 2.04 2.2 ... ...
(A,2) 2.0 ...
(B,2) 1.2
... ... ... ... ...

Further to this, I then want to aggregate (sum) away the stock to give me:

hour\day 1 2 3 4
1 2.04 2.2
2 3.2

How exactly do I do this? Thanks.


  • After the pivot, you could compute the division for each day like this:

    # extract the days that are present in the df:
    days = set([i.split('_')[0] for i in pivoted_df.columns[2:]])
    # you can also just use range(1, 32) if you are sure that all the days are in the df
        .select('stock', 'hour',
           *[(F.col(i+'_sum(price_x_units)') / F.col(i+'_sum(units)')).alias(i) for i in days]
    |stock|hour|                1|   2|
    |    A|   1|2.042857142857143| 2.2|
    |    A|   2|             null| 1.0|
    |    B|   2|              1.2|null|