Good afternoon. I have an idl file, here is its contents:
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl>
module org { module libreoffice { module sheet { module formulas {
interface XDataLinkFormulas : com::sun::star::uno::XInterface {
long Vol(
[in] long a,
[in] long b,
[in] long c
}; }; }; };
On Linux, I compile these files into an rdb file using the following command:
sudo ./unoidl-write formulas.idl formulas.rdb
However, this command fails with the following error:
Bad input file:///opt/libreoffice7.5/sdk/bin/formulas.idl: cannot parse line 4: "interface type org.libreoffice.sheet.formulas.XDataLinkFormulas direct base does not resolve to an existing interface type"
Question: how do I fix this error, because I did the contents of the idl file by analogy with the existing examples.
P.S. I placed my idl (formulas.idl) file in the following directory (/opt/libreoffice7.5/sdk/bin)
To avoid the interface type error, add a reference to types.rdb
. Here is a working powershell script for Windows.
$idlFile = "../idl/XCalcFunctions"
$loHome = "C:/Program Files/LibreOffice/program"
$sdkHome = "C:/libreoffice7.5.3.2/sdk"
$tools = "$sdkHome/bin"
$unoTypes = "$loHome/types.rdb"
$offTypes = "$loHome/types/offapi.rdb"
$env:PATH += ';' + $loHome # for DLLs
& "$tools/unoidl-write.exe" $unoTypes $offTypes "$idlFile.idl" "$idlFile.rdb"
This is based on the example at
export PATH=/usr/lib64/libreoffice/sdk/bin:/usr/lib64/libreoffice/program:/usr/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/libreoffice/program:/usr/bin
export unoTypes=/usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/types.rdb
export offTypes=/usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/types/offapi.rdb
unoidl-write $unoTypes $offTypes com/sun/star/test/XSomethingA.idl XSomething.rdb