I have a continuous deployment webpage on Gitbook that takes its content from my Github repository where I upload my personal notes written in Obsidian in Markdown. So I found an Obsidian plugin (Banners) that inserts banners like Notion does, and in Obsidian works perfectly, but when I see the note on the page, the banner doesn't appear. The format of the banner is like this:
banner: "![[./img/banner.jpg]]"
I've tried to set it up like a normal md image but it doesn't extend to the margins of the note, so it is not a banner (it's more like a normal photo)
So what I want is to see that image as notion banners but in gitbook.
I found a solution that in my case works, so the inserted banner may look like this:
banner: "![[path/to/your/banner.jpg]]"
cover: .gitbook/assets/banner.jpg
coverY: 0
So the main thing is that gitbook uses a hidden folder with assets, and inside there you must put the banner for being recognized.