I am using cypress-wait-until plugin to apply explicit wait in our framework. When I use it and maximum time given is say 30000 milliseconds, so ideally it should wait maximum 300000 ms (30 seconds) for element to be visible but it timesout after 4 seconds which is a default timeout for cypress commands.
cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('div.tabs div:nth-child(3)').should('be.visible') ,{timeout:30000})
I would like to know what changes I should and in which file so that I can override default timeout prescribed for cypress. It would be great if community provides some solution in this regard.
If you want to use cy.waitUntil()
, change cy.get()
to jQuery. That way the only timeout active is the one provided to cy.waitUntil()
cy.waitUntil(() => {
return Cypress.$('div.tabs div:nth-child(3):visible').length
}, {timeout:30000})