So in the image what i want is when you click the button there, the 30 minutes are summed up in the top, but it should become 47 hours and 10 minutes.
Now it becomes 46 hours and 70 min ...
Is there anyway for this to work properly?
My code now (still beginning):
Dim xuur As Integer
Dim xminuut As Integer
Dim dag As String
Dim naam As String
xuur = Range("D15")
xminuut = Range("D16")
dag = Range("B15")
naam = Range("C12")
Dim arve As String
arve = "Arne Verdru"
If naam = arve Then
Range("H3") = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("H3"), xuur)
Range("J3") = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("J3"), xminuut)
Range("D15") = 0
Range("D16") = 0
MsgBox "Wrong name."
End If
still a newbie at coding in excel so i have not much tried something, it seems impossible ..
Adding all minutes together will of course lead you to the 70 minutes, you'll need to adjust the logic a bit to accommodate the hours as well:
Sub test()
Dim xuur As Integer
Dim xminuut As Integer
Dim dag As String
Dim naam As String
xuur = Range("D15") + Range("H3") 'you don't need WorksheetFunction.Sum to add something together in VBA
xminuut = Range("J3") + Range("D16")
dag = Range("B15")
naam = Range("C12")
Dim arve As String
arve = "Arne Verdru"
Dim remainingMin As Long
If naam = arve Then
remainingMin = xminuut Mod 60 'basically what's left over if you divide xminuut by 60, in Dutch known as "rest"
Range("H3") = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(xminuut / 60, 0) + xuur 'how often 60 fits in xminuut added with the known total hours
Range("J3") = remainingMin
Range("D15") = 0
Range("D16") = 0
MsgBox "Wrong name."
End If
End Sub
Hope the comments in code are enough to understand the functions :)