On the apple developer website I can download Xcode new betas separately from the simulators.
I did exactly that. After downloading Xcode (3.41GB) I downloaded the new iOS 17 beta which was 7.47 GB. After installing the new Xcode, it us prompting me to download again the iOS simulator which I had already downloaded. But when prompted from Xcode the download is also very sluggish and I don't want to wait since I have the simulator DMG in my downloads folder.
I looked here already but it did not help: Download Xcode simulator directly
I tried manually to put the content of the .DMG file into the library in Xcode as described by some older posts, like in "Cashes/com.apple.dt.Xcode/Downloads/" but this did not work. Restarting Xcode I had the same prompt asking me to redownload the simulator.
After a bit of googling I found the answer here:
Just move to the bottom where it says "Install and manage Simulator runtimes from the command line".
The steps to make it work are:
// Select version of Xcode
xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode-beta7.app
// launch it
xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch
// and here I add the path to the simulator I downloaded!
xcrun simctl runtime add "~/Downloads/iOS_17_beta_7_Simulator_Runtime.dmg"
This worked great and when I opened Xcode again it did recognize the new runtime!
ps. There is also a great command to download all simulators from the command line directly if you need watchOS too!
xcodebuild -downloadAllPlatforms