I have a robot that is represented as a list of sequential joints and links:
class JointType(Enum):
class Joint:
id: str
type: JointType
angle: float
class Link:
id: str
length: float
class Robot:
base = (0.0, 0.0)
components: List[Union[Joint, Link]]
The forward kinematics is simple. It starts at the base positions and then iterates over all components. If it encounters a joint, it sets that angle as the direction to move in. If it encounters a link, it moves length
distance in that direction. The end effector position is the last item in the list of results.
def forward_kinematics(robot: Robot) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
x = robot.base[0]
y = robot.base[1]
direction = 0.0
joint_positions = [(x, y)]
for component in robot.components:
if isinstance(component, Joint):
direction = component.angle
elif isinstance(component, Link):
x += component.length * cos(direction)
y += component.length * sin(direction)
joint_positions.append((x, y))
return joint_positions
The inverse kinematics is more complex. To start with, I am constraining it two a 2 DOF planar robot. Here is my attempt.
def inverse_kinematics(links: List[Link], target_end_effector_pos: Tuple[float, float]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Joint]]:
Find the joint angles that put the Robot end effector at the target position
For now, this function assumes a two-link robot (2DOF).
solutions: Dict[str, Dict[str, Joint]] = {}
if len(links) != 2:
print("This implementation supports only 2DOF robot.")
return solutions
L1 = links[0].length
L2 = links[1].length
x, y = target_end_effector_pos
C = (x**2 + y**2 - L1**2 - L2**2) / (2*L1*L2)
# Check if the target is reachable.
# If C > 1, it means the target is outside the workspace of the robot
# If C < -1, it means the target is inside the workspace, but not reachable
if C > 1 or C < -1:
print("The target is not reachable.")
return solutions
# Calculate two possible solutions: elbow up and elbow down
q2 = atan2(sqrt(1-C**2), C) #first angle
q1 = atan2(y, x) - atan2(L2*sin(q2), L1 + L2*cos(q2)) #second angle
solutions["elbow_up"] = {"q1": Joint(id="q1", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=q1), "q2": Joint(id="q2", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=q2)}
q2 = atan2(-sqrt(1-C**2), C) #first angle
q1 = atan2(y, x) - atan2(L2*sin(q2), L1 + L2*cos(q2)) #second angle
solutions["elbow_down"] = {"q1": Joint(id="q1", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=q1), "q2": Joint(id="q2", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=q2)}
return solutions
I have then have a function that can apply one of these solutions to the robot.
def set_joint_angles(robot: Robot, new_joint_angles: Dict[str, Joint]):
Set the joint angles of the robot
for joint in [component for component in robot.components if isinstance(component, Joint)]:
if joint.id in new_joint_angles:
joint.angle = new_joint_angles[joint.id].angle
And a TKinter and Matplotlib GUI to plot this:
class GUI(tk.Frame):
Plot the robot arm in a 2D plot with labeled sliders to control the joint angles and lengths
def __init__(self, master: tk.Tk):
self.robot = Robot(
Joint(id="q1", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=0.0),
Link(id="a1", length=1.0),
Joint(id="q2", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=0.0),
Link(id="a2", length=1.0),
self.inverse_kinematic_solutions: Dict[str, Robot] = {}
self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100), master=master)
self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
self.target_pos: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None
self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click)
self.sliders: Dict[str, tk.Scale] = {}
def update(self):
ax = self.canvas.figure.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlim(-3, 3)
ax.set_ylim(-3, 3)
joint_positions = forward_kinematics(self.robot)
#plot the robot
for i in range(len(joint_positions) - 1):
ax.plot([joint_positions[i][0], joint_positions[i+1][0]], [joint_positions[i][1], joint_positions[i+1][1]], 'o-')
#if clicked on the plot, plot the target position and the possible solutions
if self.target_pos is not None:
#plot end effector target
ax.plot(self.target_pos[0], self.target_pos[1], 'rx')
#calculate the possible solutions
links = [component for component in self.robot.components if isinstance(component, Link)]
solutions = inverse_kinematics(links, self.target_pos)
#plot the possible solutions
for name, solution in solutions.items():
self.inverse_kinematic_solutions[name] = deepcopy(self.robot)
set_joint_angles(self.inverse_kinematic_solutions[name], solution)
joint_positions = forward_kinematics(self.inverse_kinematic_solutions[name])
for i in range(len(joint_positions) - 1):
ax.plot([joint_positions[i][0], joint_positions[i+1][0]], [joint_positions[i][1], joint_positions[i+1][1]], 'x--')
def create_labeled_sliders(self):
for component in self.robot.components:
if isinstance(component, Joint):
slider = tk.Scale(self.master, from_=-3.14, to=3.14, resolution=0.01, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, label=component.id, command=self.on_slider_change)
self.sliders[component.id] = slider
def on_slider_change(self, event):
for component in self.robot.components:
slider = self.sliders.get(component.id)
if slider is None:
if isinstance(component, Joint):
component.angle = slider.get()
elif isinstance(component, Link):
component.length = slider.get()
def on_click(self, event: MouseEvent):
if event.button == 3:
self.target_pos = None
elif (event.xdata is not None) and (event.ydata is not None):
self.target_pos = (event.xdata, event.ydata)
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
app = GUI(master=root)
But the solutions are completely incorrect, and do not reach the target position.
What have I done wrong?
And how can I modify my inverse_kinematics function so it works for any Robot
That's what I imagine the math for inverse kinematics to look like:
L1 = links[0].length
L2 = links[1].length
x, y = target_end_effector_pos
d2 = x**2 + y**2
d = d2**0.5
base_angle = atan2(y, x)
# C:= cos of the first angle in a triangle defined by L1 and L2
# the formula comes from the Law of Cosines
C = (L1**2 + d2 - L2**2) / (2*L1*d)
c = acos(C)
# Check if the target is reachable.
# If C > 1, it means the target is outside the workspace of the robot
# If C < -1, it means the target is inside the workspace, but not reachable
if not -1 <= C <= 1:
# The target is not reachable
return {}
# B:= cos of the second angle
B = (L1**2 + L2**2 - d2) / (2*L1*L2)
b = acos(B)
# consider returning only one if c is close to 0
return {
"elbow_up": {
"q1": Joint(id="q1", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=base_angle+c),
"q2": Joint(id="q2", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=b-pi)
"elbow_down": {
"q1": Joint(id="q1", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=base_angle-c),
"q2": Joint(id="q2", type=JointType.REVOLUTE, angle=pi-b)