Is there a way to read Code32 (Italian Pharmacode) by using Ml Kit?
I was trying to convert the Code39 to Code32 but the reader returns completly different barcode from the read one, like by reading a Code32 like "A042028050" it returns a Code39 with value: "182M0L".
What i have tried is to transform the Code39 to Code32 but the transformation obviously fails:
.addOnSuccessListener { barcodes ->
for (barcode in barcodes) {
if (barcode.format == Barcode.FORMAT_CODE_39) {
val code32Value = transformToCode32(barcode.rawValue)
if (code32Value != null) {
"Italian Pharmaceutical Barcode (CODE 32): $code32Value",
// ...
fun transformToCode32(code39Value: String): String? {
// Verify that the value is in the expected format for Italian pharmaceutical barcodes
if (code39Value.length == 9 && code39Value[0] == 'A' && code39Value.substring(1).all { it.isDigit() }) {
// Extract the 8 digits following the 'A' character
val digits = code39Value.substring(1)
// Calculate the check digit (if needed)
// This will depend on the specific algorithm used for CODE 32
// Here's an example algorithm that sums the digits and takes the remainder modulo 10
val checkDigit = { it.toString().toInt() }.sum() % 10
// Construct the CODE 32 value by combining the digits and check digit
return digits + checkDigit.toString()
// Return null if the value does not match the expected format
return null
After looking around the web I've found the convertion table from Code39 to Code32 and I've built the following function that do the convertion:
fun code39ToCode32(barcode: String): String {
val code32set = "0123456789BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTUWXY"
if (barcode.any { it !in code32set }) {
// it's not a code32 returning original barcode
return barcode
var total = 0
for (i in barcode.indices) {
val char = barcode[i]
val value = code32set.indexOf(char)
total += value * (32.0.pow(5 - i)).toInt()
return "A" + String.format("%09d", total)