Within a Camel route I need to connect to a service with a HTTP GET request and leave the connection open to receive events. The Camel connection never receives events from the service.
I can use Postman to perform this operation successfully:successful Postman connection, so I know the service is running as expected.
My Camel Route calls the service endpoint as a GET with the same parameters used in Postman in the header of this call:
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant(org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpMethods.GET))
.setHeader("Connection", simple("keep-alive"))
.setHeader("Accept", simple("text/event-stream"))
.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", simple("gzip, deflate, br"))
.setHeader("Postman-Token", simple("6ec7dfb3-6a4e-46ad-9f29-329a854f2649"))
I know the service receives this call and creates event messages to send back, but they're never received by the Camel route. Also, a Postman connection that's made at the same time as the Camel connection does receive the event messages.
Q) What is the correct way to configure a Camel route to receive service events?
OkHttpClient can be used with a RealEventSource and a custom EventSourceListener to receive server side events.
in Route.configure() call
.process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { myClient.Connect(); } })
References: OkHttpClient realeventsource