In TypeDoc, can I create a doc comment for a function a child class inherits from its parent without having to override that function in the child class and adding a doc comment to that override implementation?
I want to "override" the inherited doc comment for the child's function without having to implement that function as an override in the child class if possible.
class Parent<T>
readonly #tProp: T;
public constructor(tArg: T)
this.#tProp = tArg;
/** Getter for the tProp */
public tProp(): T { return this.#tProp; }
* Is it possible to add doc comment to replace doc comment
* for tProp getter inherited from Parent class without having
* to add override implementation for tProp getter?
class Child extends Parent<string>
public constructor(stringProp: string)
This is supposed to be possible with @property
* @property tProp overriden description
class Child extends Parent<string>
public constructor(stringProp: string)
But this doesn't work in 0.25.0 due to a bug I just fixed, it will work in the next release.