
Is it possible to establish peer-to-peer communication between two remote clients without centralized server?

I had read the following paper but not able to undserstand how p2p communication established without server?

Also not able to understand why WebRTC is p2p communication when it requires TURN server as an intermediate server.

I want to get correct concept regarding my question and want an explanation if possible.


  • TURN servers are there to solve the "1 way NAT" problem. If you have a client behind a NAT, then nobody can connect to it - the client must make a connection first. So if you have 2 clients trying to connect to each other, but neither can accept direct connections from the other, you're stuck. Unless you use an intermediary. ie a TURN server.

    Most P2P can connect without a server, but you have to find some way to tell a client about the other one in order to know who to connect to. You could, theoretically, send this detail in an email. But using a peer server to facilitate this discovery is easy and convenient. After the connection is made, then all further traffic is sent directly between the peers.