
I need help to solve for app script creating duplicate Google Tasks

I am new to coding and have put together some code to reference Google Sheet values to create Google Tasks. However, when I run the script it doesn't seem to check the existing task title and dueDate and creates duplicate tasks. I don't know if I coded the task IF statement wrong or missed something in the section of the code with my comment.

/// This code doesn't seem to validate Task Title and dueDate but creates duplicate tasks  
if (tasks[i].getTitle() == 'taskTitle' && tasks[i].getdue() == 'startDate') {

Google Sheet Sample

function CreateTask() {
const ID = '1MkimspZROYFPFApQECWHETIwMkWfQ5aizj0Da17cVhs';
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ID).getSheetByName('Database');
var TASK_LIST_ID = '@default';
var index = 2; // This indicates start looking at row 2
var LastRow = sheet.getLastRow(); 
for (;index<=LastRow; index++){
  var taskTitle = sheet.getRange(index,2,1,1).getValue();
  var startDate = sheet.getRange(index,1,1,1).getValue();
  var checkOnMe = sheet.getRange(index,7,1,1).getValue();   
  var status = sheet.getRange(index,8,1,1).getValue();  
  if (checkOnMe == "Yes" && taskTitle && startDate && status != "Complete")
    /// This code doesn't seem to validate Task Title and dueDate but creates a 
  duplicate tasks
   var tasks = Tasks.Tasks.list('MDk4MjA3ODcxNzU1OTc3NjQxOTk6MDow').getItems();
   for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
   if (tasks[i].getTitle() == 'taskTitle' && tasks[i].getdue() == 'startDate') {
   var task = Tasks.newTask();{
   task.title = sheet.getRange(index,2,1,1).getValue();
   task.notes = 'Checking In';
         var dueDate = sheet.getRange(index,1,1,1).getValue();
         dueDate.setDate(dueDate.getDate() + 0);
         task.due = dueDate.toISOString();
         var newTask = Tasks.Tasks.insert(task, TASK_LIST_ID);
         console.log('Task with title = %s, id = %s and notes = %s was created. ' +
         'Task is due on %s.',
         newTask.title,, newTask.notes, newTask.due);





  • Modification points:

    When these points are reflected in your script, how about the following modification?

    Modified script:

    Please set your Spreadsheet ID and Task list ID.

    function CreateTask() {
      const ID = '###';
      const TASK_LIST_ID = '###';
      const taskObj = Tasks.Tasks.list(TASK_LIST_ID).getItems().reduce((s, e) => s.add(e.title + "_" + (e.due ? e.due.split("T")[0] : "")), new Set());
      const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ID).getSheetByName('Database');
      const values = sheet.getRange("A2:H" + sheet.getLastRow()).getValues();
      values.forEach(([dueDate, taskTitle, , , , , checkOnMe, status]) => {
        if (checkOnMe == "Yes" && taskTitle && dueDate && status != "Complete") {
          dueDate.setDate(dueDate.getDate() + 0);
          const due = dueDate.toISOString();
          const k = taskTitle + "_" + due.split("T")[0];
          if (!taskObj.has(k)) {
            const task = Tasks.newTask();
            task.title = taskTitle;
            task.notes = 'Checking In';
            task.due = due;
            const newTask = Tasks.Tasks.insert(task, TASK_LIST_ID);
            console.log('Task with title = %s, id = %s and notes = %s was created. ' + 'Task is due on %s.', newTask.title,, newTask.notes, newTask.due);
