
Mouseover Event on Dynamically Loaded Images in Sveltekit

I am dynamically loading images in Sveltekit. They are inside a div along with an overlay div that I want o show when the images is hovered over. I have tried a few different things, including setting the id of the image container to the id of the images loaded, but the id doesn't seem to be getting set.

This is what I have so far:

<div id="gallery">
  {#each data.products as product}
    <div class="imagewrapper">
      <div id={} class="piece">
        <h3 class="name">{}</h3>
        <p class="description">{product.meta_description}</p>
        on:focus={() => {}}
        on:mouseover={() =>

I am new to Sveltekit! Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Code is wrong in two ways:

    I see no reason why the id would not be applied, unless there just isn't one in your data source.

    Would recommend extracting the contents of the #each to a separate component so you can have local state for each item. E.g.

      export let product;
      let show = false;
    <div id={} class="piece" class:piece__show={show}>...
    <img ... on:mouseover={() => show = true}/>

    (Alternatively, you could also add such state data directly to your source objects instead, then you do not need a separate component.)