
Why can't i ping the @everyone discord role?

I have a function that writes news to discord, it pings everyone. To ping everyone, I write ctx.send(...), if I write ctx.response.send_message(...), then @everyone does not work @everyone not working. And I need to somehow remove ctx.response

    async def news(self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, title, news):
        if not in settings['high_admin_role']:
            await ctx.response.send_message("not permission",ephemeral=True)
            news = ''.join(news).replace(';', '\n')
            embed = discord.Embed(title=f"""{title}""", description=f"""{news}\n\nОт: {}""", color=discord.Color.from_rgb(199, 135, 24))
            await ctx.send('||@everyone||', embed=embed)

I tried ctx.defer(), ctx.response.defer(). I tried to send messages via response, but then @everyone doesn't work


  • The issue here why the role @everyone doesn't receive the ping could have 2 reasons:

    The official way to mention the @everyone role is to get the guild.default_role object first and then mention that object itself. That works like this:

    If that is not working too, your bot is cleary missing the right MENTION EVERYONE in your discord channel. You can change that if you edit the channel permissions and turn that on (ONLY FOR YOUR BOT):

    If that all doesn't help you (which would be weird behaivor), you could try to use discord.AllowedMentions:

    allowed_mentions = discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=True)
    await ctx.send(f'||{ctx.guild.default_role.mention}||', embed=embed, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions)