How do I remove this padding for the ma-select-panel.
I have tried using
ng:deep .mdc-menu-surface.mat-mdc-select-panel {
padding: 0px !important;
But I just couldn't remove it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for your help.
See that a mat-select create a cdk-overlay. This means that the "panel" is "outside" the component -really is outside the whole app-.
This is the reason you need makes the .css was in any way "global".
I generally use the styles.css (not the component.css)
If you don't want this .css is applied to all the mat-select in your application is when you use the property panelClass
this allow you write
<mat-select panelClass="custom-select">
And use
.custom-select.mat-mdc-select-panel {
There're another option that it's use
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
But I don't like so much because this makes that all the .css in your component is applied to all the applicacion -it's the same that include the component.css in your styles.css