Is there any way to get all attributes in normal mode without deactivating SSO/KERBEROS.
Thank you.
Just to let you informed about the resolution. It was related to the difference between ldap filters.
In SSO with Kerberos enabled, the attributeRepository filter was used. When Kerberos is not used, the Ldap filter is used (cas.authn.ldap[0].searchFilter).
In addition, I should define the list of attributes to be mapped in the attribute repository :
cas.authn.attributeRepository.ldap[0].attributes.mail= mail
cas.authn.attributeRepository.ldap[0] cn
cas.authn.attributeRepository.ldap[0].attributes.givenName= givenName
This answer and the CAS debug log level were helpful.
It was somehow tricky because of sub scenarios (cached responses etc.). Each time I have to restart the server and clean up cookies to restart investigations..
Hope it can help someone else. Best Regards.