Whenever I try to run a code that is supposed to transmit a signal using Sonar HC-SR04 module and then receive that signal to ouput the distance. But as soon as I run the code, it stops immediately and this error pops up :
Opening all potential serial ports... COM3
Waiting 4 seconds(arduino_wait) for Arduino devices to reset...
Searching for an Arduino configured with an arduino_instance = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d:\Hassaan\MarvinPythonTest.py", line 4, in <module>
board = pymata4.Pymata4()
File "C:\Users\kk198\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pymata4\pymata4.py", line 235, in __init__
File "C:\Users\kk198\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pymata4\pymata4.py", line 404, in _find_arduino
raise RuntimeError(f'arduino_instance_id does not match '
RuntimeError: arduino_instance_id does not match a value on the boards.
I've tried putting the port back, resetting the Arduino, fixing the code, (although the code works on the Arduino ide), updating the libraries, reinstalling pymata4
, restarting my laptop, and changing the pins, but nothing has worked.
from pymata4 import pymata4
import time
board = pymata4.Pymata4()
# Define the pins
trig_pin = 8
echo_pin = 9
# Configure the pins
board.set_pin_mode(trig_pin, board.OUTPUT)
board.set_pin_mode(echo_pin, board.INPUT)
while True:
# Set the trigger pin HIGH
board.digital_write(trig_pin, 1)
# Wait for 10 microseconds
# Set the trigger pin LOW
board.digital_write(trig_pin, 0)
# Wait for the echo_pin to go HIGH
while board.digital_read(echo_pin) == 0:
start_time = time.time()
# Wait for the echo_pin to go LOW
while board.digital_read(echo_pin) == 1:
end_time = time.time()
# Calculate duration and distance
duration = end_time - start_time
distance = duration * 34300 / 2 # Using 34300 cm/s as the speed of sound
print(f"Distance: {distance:.2f} cm")
# Wait for 1 second before the next loop
Just reupload firmataezpress and it will work