
My Typo3 Repository findByUid returns always NULL in a Scheduler Task

I am creating a extbase typo3 11.5 extension, that updates jobs in a database with a Scheduler Task ImportJobsTask.

namespace MyCompany\MyExtension\Task;

class ImportJobsTask extends AbstractTask
    public function __construct()

    public function execute()
        $this->jobOfferRepository = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(JobOfferRepository::class);
        $job = ['id' => 253, 'title' => 'Lagermitarbeiter'];
        $job = $this->jobOfferRepository->findByJob($job);
        return true;

For that i use a JobsOfferRepository.


namespace MyCompany\MyExtension\Domain\Repository;

class JobOfferRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository
    public function findByJob(array $job)
        $query = $this->createQuery();

        $constraints = [
            $query->equals('job_id', $job["id"]),
            $query->equals('job_title', $job["title"]),
        return $query->execute()->getFirst();

In this Repository i call from the Model JobOffers the functions updateJob($job_id) and createJob($job) for updating and creating such Jobs, these works fine.


namespace MyCompany\MyExtension\Domain\Model;

class JobOffer extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity
    public function createJob(array $job, int $pid): JobOffer
        $newJob = new self();
        # some code...
        return $newJob;

But in my Task i just can't get any results from findByJob($job), it always returns NULL. Everything i try to get some jobs from inside of my Repository always returns NULL. On the other hand i can store new Jobs from the Repository, if i call $jobOffer->createJob($job) from there.

I implemented a setPid() function in the Repository to make sure the storagePid is correct, but the result didn't change.

Somebody has an idea, what i might be missing? Some configuration? Messed up Namespace?


  • Ok, i found my answer.

    i implemented a function setPID($pids) in my Repository, than everything worked. The other problems were from bad testing.

    in my Task's execute():

    $this->storagePid = $typoscript['module.']['tx_myextension_web_myextensionjobadmin.']['persistence.']['storagePid'];
    $jobOfferRepository = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(JobOfferRepository::class);

    In my Repository:

        public function setPID($pids)
            $querySettings = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Typo3QuerySettings::class);

    That was all i needed. I guess the debugging part would have worked with Garvin's answer, too. But maybe my testing was so off that i didnt realize. i tried with var_dump instead of DebuggerUtility::var_dump($object) and got out of memory, which i misinterpreted. yes, i am a typo3 beginner :-)