
R- Find date when cumulative sum is above threshold

I am working with thermal requirements for crop growth. I have a table which contains cumulative temperature for a 6-month time period. Sample seen below:

         date      temp   cum_temp
 1: 2020-03-01  9.339748   9.339748
 2: 2020-03-02 23.860849  33.200597
 3: 2020-03-03 12.860331  46.060928
 4: 2020-03-04 26.607505  72.668432
 5: 2020-03-05 28.273551 100.941984
 6: 2020-03-06  2.321138 103.263122
 7: 2020-03-07 16.315059 119.578181
 8: 2020-03-08 26.880152 146.458334
 9: 2020-03-09 16.991615 163.449949
10: 2020-03-10 14.241827 177.691776
11: 2020-03-11 28.748167 206.439943
12: 2020-03-12 14.146691 220.586634
13: 2020-03-13 20.649548 241.236182
14: 2020-03-14 17.606369 258.842551
15: 2020-03-15  3.984816 262.827367

Then, I also have a table with a list of crop growth stages and their thermal requirements (i.e. the thermal thresholds needed to reach each stage):

 growth_stage thermal_req
1:           VE         120
2:           V2         200
3:           V3         350
4:        V5-V6         475
5:        V7-V9         610
6:           R2        1660
7:           R4        1925
8:           R5        2450
9:           R6        2700

Based on those tables, I need two outcomes:

  1. Looking at the temperature table, update the thermal requirements table with the date when the thermal requirement was reached. For this example it would look like this:
  growth_stage thermal_req date_reached
1:           VE         120   2020-03-08
2:           V2         200   2020-03-11
3:           V3         350   2020-03-21
4:        V5-V6         475   2020-03-26
5:        V7-V9         610   2020-04-03
6:           R2        1660   2020-06-14
7:           R4        1925   2020-06-30
8:           R5        2450   2020-08-06
9:           R6        2700   2020-08-23
  1. Update the original temperature table to include a new column "growth stage" based on the thermal requirements shown in the second table. It would look like this:
         date      temp   cum_temp  growth_stage
 1: 2020-03-01  9.339748   9.339748 NA
 2: 2020-03-02 23.860849  33.200597 NA
 3: 2020-03-03 12.860331  46.060928 NA
 4: 2020-03-04 26.607505  72.668432 NA
 5: 2020-03-05 28.273551 100.941984 NA
 6: 2020-03-06  2.321138 103.263122 NA
 7: 2020-03-07 16.315059 119.578181 NA
 8: 2020-03-08 26.880152 146.458334 VE
 9: 2020-03-09 16.991615 163.449949 VE
10: 2020-03-10 14.241827 177.691776 VE
11: 2020-03-11 28.748167 206.439943 V2
12: 2020-03-12 14.146691 220.586634 V2
13: 2020-03-13 20.649548 241.236182 V2
14: 2020-03-14 17.606369 258.842551 V2
15: 2020-03-15  3.984816 262.827367 V2
16: 2020-03-16 27.094924 289.922291 V2
17: 2020-03-17  8.136544 298.058835 V2
18: 2020-03-18  2.219726 300.278562 V2
19: 2020-03-19 10.509701 310.788263 V2
20: 2020-03-20 28.680606 339.468868 V2
21: 2020-03-21 26.796640 366.265509 V3
22: 2020-03-22 21.091299 387.356807 V3
23: 2020-03-23 19.574698 406.931505 V3
24: 2020-03-24 29.833824 436.765328 V3
25: 2020-03-25 20.015468 456.780797 V3
26: 2020-03-26 21.547384 478.328180 V5-V6
27: 2020-03-27 16.777915 495.106095 V5-V6
28: 2020-03-28 18.230119 513.336214 V5-V6
29: 2020-03-29  9.385632 522.721846 V5-V6
30: 2020-03-30  5.266296 527.988142 V5-V6
31: 2020-03-31 28.927703 556.915844 V5-V6
32: 2020-04-01 27.166672 584.082517 V5-V6
33: 2020-04-02 21.030453 605.112970 V5-V6
34: 2020-04-03 24.068555 629.181525 V5-V6
35: 2020-04-04  1.713797 630.895322 V5-V6
36: 2020-04-05 14.856083 645.751405 V5-V6
37: 2020-04-06 22.995327 668.746732 V5-V6
38: 2020-04-07  7.275830 676.022562 V5-V6
39: 2020-04-08 10.227249 686.249811 V5-V6
40: 2020-04-09  7.717148 693.966959 V5-V6
          date      temp   cum_temp growth_stage

What is the best way to achieve these outcomes?

Data used to reproduce this problem:

# load required packages

# generate data
dates <- seq(as.Date("2020-03-01"), as.Date("2020-08-31"), by="days")
set.seed(123); temps <- runif(length(dates), min=1, max=30)
dat <- data.table(date=dates,
# cumulative sum
dat$cum_temp <- cumsum(dat$temp)

# table with growth stage thermal requirements 
sum_req <- data.table(growth_stage=c("VE","V2","V3","V5-V6","V7-V9","R2","R4","R5","R6"),


  • data.table

    Up front, all working code in one block, no output:

    dat[, nextdate := shift(date, type="lead", fill=last(date))]
    sum_req[dat, date_reached := i.nextdate, on=.(thermal_req > cum_temp)]
    dat[, nextdate := NULL] # cleanup
    dat[sum_req, growth_stage := i.growth_stage, on = .(date == date_reached), roll = TRUE
      ][, growth_stage := zoo::na.locf(growth_stage, na.rm = FALSE)]


    First, I'll add a nextdate to dat so that the inherent internal (rolling?) join finds the correct date. Then we'll join and assign this to sum_req:

    dat[, nextdate := shift(date, type="lead", fill=last(date))]
    sum_req[dat, date_reached := i.nextdate, on=.(thermal_req > cum_temp)]
    #    growth_stage thermal_req date_reached
    #          <char>       <num>       <Date>
    # 1:           VE         120   2020-03-08
    # 2:           V2         200   2020-03-11
    # 3:           V3         350   2020-03-21
    # 4:        V5-V6         475   2020-03-26
    # 5:        V7-V9         610   2020-04-03
    # 6:           R2        1660   2020-06-14
    # 7:           R4        1925   2020-06-30
    # 8:           R5        2450   2020-08-06
    # 9:           R6        2700   2020-08-23
    dat[, nextdate := NULL] # cleanup

    Then I'll do a rolling join,

    dat[sum_req, growth_stage := i.growth_stage, on = .(date == date_reached), roll = TRUE]
    #            date     temp   cum_temp growth_stage
    #          <Date>    <num>      <num>       <char>
    #   1: 2020-03-01  9.33975    9.33975         <NA>
    #   2: 2020-03-02 23.86085   33.20060         <NA>
    #   3: 2020-03-03 12.86033   46.06093         <NA>
    #   4: 2020-03-04 26.60750   72.66843         <NA>
    #   5: 2020-03-05 28.27355  100.94198         <NA>
    #   6: 2020-03-06  2.32114  103.26312         <NA>
    #   7: 2020-03-07 16.31506  119.57818         <NA>
    #   8: 2020-03-08 26.88015  146.45833           VE
    #   9: 2020-03-09 16.99162  163.44995         <NA>
    #  10: 2020-03-10 14.24183  177.69178         <NA>
    #  ---                                            
    # 175: 2020-08-22 20.38025 2699.72879         <NA>
    # 176: 2020-08-23 18.92252 2718.65131           R6
    # 177: 2020-08-24 11.79490 2730.44621         <NA>
    # 178: 2020-08-25 16.36523 2746.81145         <NA>
    # 179: 2020-08-26 26.36579 2773.17724         <NA>
    # 180: 2020-08-27 17.87075 2791.04799         <NA>
    # 181: 2020-08-28 25.35327 2816.40126         <NA>
    # 182: 2020-08-29 10.06100 2826.46225         <NA>
    # 183: 2020-08-30 21.54042 2848.00267         <NA>
    # 184: 2020-08-31  8.68552 2856.68819         <NA>

    and then LOCF the new growth_stage. Here I'm using zoo::na.locf since data.table::nafill requires numeric/integer.

    dat[, growth_stage := zoo::na.locf(growth_stage, na.rm = FALSE)]
    #            date     temp   cum_temp growth_stage
    #          <Date>    <num>      <num>       <char>
    #   1: 2020-03-01  9.33975    9.33975         <NA>
    #   2: 2020-03-02 23.86085   33.20060         <NA>
    #   3: 2020-03-03 12.86033   46.06093         <NA>
    #   4: 2020-03-04 26.60750   72.66843         <NA>
    #   5: 2020-03-05 28.27355  100.94198         <NA>
    #   6: 2020-03-06  2.32114  103.26312         <NA>
    #   7: 2020-03-07 16.31506  119.57818         <NA>
    #   8: 2020-03-08 26.88015  146.45833           VE
    #   9: 2020-03-09 16.99162  163.44995           VE
    #  10: 2020-03-10 14.24183  177.69178           VE
    #  ---                                            
    # 175: 2020-08-22 20.38025 2699.72879           R5
    # 176: 2020-08-23 18.92252 2718.65131           R6
    # 177: 2020-08-24 11.79490 2730.44621           R6
    # 178: 2020-08-25 16.36523 2746.81145           R6
    # 179: 2020-08-26 26.36579 2773.17724           R6
    # 180: 2020-08-27 17.87075 2791.04799           R6
    # 181: 2020-08-28 25.35327 2816.40126           R6
    # 182: 2020-08-29 10.06100 2826.46225           R6
    # 183: 2020-08-30 21.54042 2848.00267           R6
    # 184: 2020-08-31  8.68552 2856.68819           R6

    For easy viewing, I'll show the change-points:

    dat[, .SD[1,], by = .(growth_stage)]
    #     growth_stage       date     temp   cum_temp
    #           <char>     <Date>    <num>      <num>
    #  1:         <NA> 2020-03-01  9.33975    9.33975
    #  2:           VE 2020-03-08 26.88015  146.45833
    #  3:           V2 2020-03-11 28.74817  206.43994
    #  4:           V3 2020-03-21 26.79664  366.26551
    #  5:        V5-V6 2020-03-26 21.54738  478.32818
    #  6:        V7-V9 2020-04-03 24.06856  629.18152
    #  7:           R2 2020-06-14 26.82016 1660.54649
    #  8:           R4 2020-06-30 10.27480 1927.39382
    #  9:           R5 2020-08-06 13.89827 2459.84312
    # 10:           R6 2020-08-23 18.92252 2718.65131

    (I think your sample output missed the transition to V7-V9?)