I have a spatial dataframe with three columns, lat, lon and X. X has a set of values from 1-25 which I would like to compare with its immediate surrounding grids.
The lat, lon columns are filled with coordinates as decimals, such as:
24 24 ,
24 24.1 ,
24 24.2 ,
The third column is the value of X.
I would like to compare the value of i.e. X at 24,24 with X at 23.9,24.1 and 23.9,24 and 23.9,23.9 etc (all 8 grids surrounding the one grid)
and for all grids where X value is greater, would like to start building an indice from 1 until 8. (so if x is larger than a neighbouring grid 1, if greater than another neighbouring grid 2, etc.) for all those that are smaller I want to skip to the next grid until all 8 grids are checked against the center grid.
And I would like to loop this to check across a landscape that contains ~300,000 grids.
I cannot figure out the code in R, and if anyone of you have tried a similar thing, or would love to take a stab at it I would very much appreciate the help!
I wrote a for loop with embedded if conditional:
lat <- seq(38, 39.5, by = 0.1)
lon <- seq(30, 40, by = 0.1)
#create empty df
Per_yr_beta <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 22779))
#provide column names
colnames(Per_yr_beta) <- c('Lon', 'Lat', 'Total', 'Beta')
for (i in lat) {
if(is.na(i+0.1)==F) {ymax1 = (i+0.1)} else {next}
if(is.na(i-0.1)==F) {ymin1 = (i-0.1)} else {next}
sq_grid <- Per_yr_dummy %>%
filter (Lat <= ymax1 & Lat >= ymin1)
for (j in lon) {
if(is.na(j+0.1)==F) {xmax1 = (i+0.1)} else {next}
if(is.na(j-0.1)==F) {xmin1 = (i-0.1)} else {next}
sq_grid <- sq_grid %>% filter (Lon <= xmax1 & Lon >= xmin1);
if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[1]){x=x+1}
if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[2]){x=x+1}
if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[3]){x=x+1}
if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[4]){x=x+1}
if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[6]){x=x+1}
if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[7]){x=x+1}
if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[8]){x=x+1}
if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[9]){x=x+1}
sq_grid$Beta[5] <- x
sq_grid_v <- as.data.frame(sq_grid[5, 1:4])
Per_yr_beta[z,] <- sq_grid_v
Here I'm stuck. The loop runs for the first row, but then nothing...
If I understood correctly, you want each new cell to carry the count of adjacent cells with lower values, like this:
You can do so by converting your dataframe to a raster and applying a moving window.
Let's take an easily reproducible 4 x 4 grid (16 cells), specified as a dataframe d
d <- data.frame(expand.grid(lon = 1:4, lat = 1:4),
X = as.integer(1:16)
## > head(d)
## lon lat X
## 1 1 1 1
## 2 2 1 2
## 3 3 1 3
## 4 4 1 4
## 5 1 2 5
## ... 11 more rows
make it a spatial raster:
r <- rast(d)
text(r, labels = values(r))
use a moving window of edge length w = 3
(3 x 3 cells) which contains the central cell and its adjacent cells (neighbours):
w_vals = focalValues(r, w = 3,
fill = Inf ## (1)
(1) use Inf
inite vor ficticious neighbours outside the grid, so they won't contribute to the count of cells with lower values
... this results in a 16 x 9 matrix, where each row corresponds to a cell of your initial raster, containing 9 values (central cell and neighbours), the focal central cell in column 5:
Now, count rowwise the sum of values smaller than the focal cell (column 5). These are the values for the recalculated, resulting raster:
new_vals <- apply(w_vals, 1, \(the_row) sum(the_row[5] > the_row[-5]))
create new raster and check:
r_new <- setValues(r, new_vals)
text(r_new, labels = values(r_new))