I am attempting to asynchronously stream notifications from Mastodon using Mastodon.py. To run the asynchronous code, I'm attempting to use Trio
I've tried the following:
from mastodon import Mastodon, StreamListener
def main():
access_token = os.getenv("MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN")
api_base_url = os.getenv("MASTODON_API_BASE_URL")
# Login
mastodon = Mastodon(
# Show username
logger.info(f"Logged in as {mastodon.account_verify_credentials()['username']}")
logger.info("Starting user stream")
user = mastodon.stream_user(TheStreamListener())
logger.info("Started user stream")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.info("Stopping user stream")
logger.info("Stopped user stream")
class TheStreamListener(StreamListener):
def on_update(self, status):
logger.info(f"Got update: {status['content']}")
def on_notification(self, notification):
if notification['type'] == 'mention':
logger.opt(colors=True).info(f"Got <blue>mention</blue> from {notification['account']['username']}") # noqa E501
I expected this to log Started user stream
after running trio.run()
. However, it seems the stream is not asynchronous as the last message logged is Starting user stream
. I'm aware there is a run_async
parameter for mastodon.stream_user()
but have been unable to get it to run asynchronously.
I've tried mastodon.stream_user(TheStreamListener(), run_async=True, reconnect_async=True)
. However, I'm unsure how I can keep the stream running whilst running other code as the stream exits immediately.
I ended up implementing the following code successfully:
def main():
logger.info("Starting user stream")
stream = mastodon.stream_user(TheStreamListener(),
run_async=True)logger.info("Started user stream")
trio.run(sleep_or_not, stream)
async def sleep_or_not(stream):
# Experimenting with running other code while the stream is running
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
except KeyboardInterrupt: