I'm reading data (16 bytes/4 floats) from my com port that comes in every 100us. At the same time I have an animation live update at a rate of 60fps (0.016667sec/frame) using the data at that instant. I've attached the code below.
The idea behind the whole system is that readdata function uses pyserial to passivly read and parse that data. However, I only want to use the data that shows up every 0.016667 sec. While the readdata function is running I have my animation update the frames and everything in parallel. Right now my thought process is to have a flag that raises when I need to grab data to update the frame. However, my current code crashes the animation. I'm new to threading so any suggestions on a better method, things I might be miss understanding, or way to fix this?
class Pipeline:
Class to allow a single element pipeline between producer and consumer.
def __init__(self):
self.message = 0
self.flag = 0
self.producer_lock = threading.Lock()
self.consumer_lock = threading.Lock()
self.flag_set_lock = threading.Lock()
self.flag_get_lock = threading.Lock()
def get_message(self, name):
message = self.message
return message
def set_message(self, message, name):
self.message = message
def consumer_get_flag(self, name):
flag = self.flag
return flag
def set_flag(self, flag, name):
self.flag = flag
def producer_get_flag(self,name):
return self.flag
# reading port function
def readport(pipeline):
# global flag
#read incoming data coming in every 100us
with serial.Serial('COM3',baudrate=3000000,bytesize=8, timeout=None, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, rtscts=True, dsrdtr=False) as s:
while True:
#parse data
#flag every 60 fps to set the pipline
flag = pipline.consumer_get_flag('Flag')
if flag == 1:
pipeline.set_message([xpos,ypos], "Data")
pipeline.set_flag(0,'Flag Down')
if xamp != 5.0:
print('values', [xpos,ypos,xamp,yamp])
# print('something wrong')
def animation(pipline):
# global flag
running = True
simtime = 0
prevx = 0
prevy = 0
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
# The user closed the window or pressed escape
running = False
screen.fill((255, 255, 255, 255))
# Draw the world
for body in world.bodies:
for fixture in body.fixtures:
fixture.shape.draw(body, fixture)
#update robot position from the data
pipline.set_flag(1,'Flag Up')
if pipline.producer_get_flag('current flag') == 1:
xpos = prevx
ypos = prevy
xpos, ypos = pipline.get_message('Robot')
prevx = xpos
prevy = ypos
robot1.position = b2Vec2(xpos,ypos+12)
world.Step(TIME_STEP, 10, 10)
simtime = simtime + TIME_STEP
# Flip the screen and try to keep at the target FPS
# --- main game loop ---
pipline = Pipeline()
flag = 0
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
executor.submit(readport, pipline)
You can do this more simply: in Python, threads share memory. The same objects can be used across threads if you're careful. I think you can take advantage of this and eliminate the entire Pipeline class. You don't need it.
Serial port data is always buffered by the operating system, so you have to read the port continuously anyway or else characters will pile up in the buffer. Since the port is sending you data faster than you can process it, most of this data is going to be thrown away. So just put the latest data from the port into some variables. Most of the time, you'll overwrite the last set of data even though you never used it. That does no harm at all.
When your animation loop is ready for another set of data, it simply grabs it from the same variables. The data will be there. No need for any flags or synchronization.
One subtlety is that the data probably comes as a set: an x and a y coordinate. They must get updated together. So in the following listing I use a simple threading.RLock to make sure the two variables cannot be accessed one at a time.
That's the idea. You also need some logic to handle when the user quits, or when something goes wrong with the serial data. I took a stab at that. Since I can't run your program, the following is just a schematic of the idea. You might have to do some debugging before it will run.
class Position:
def __init__(self):
self.xpos = 0
self.ypos = 0
self.lock = threading.RLock()
def set(self, xpos, ypos):
with self.lock:
self.xpos = xpos
self.ypos = ypos
def get(self):
with self.lock:
return self.xpos, self.ypos
POSITION = Position()
running = True
# reading port function
def readport():
#read incoming data coming in every 100us
with serial.Serial('COM3', baudrate=3000000, bytesize=8, timeout=None,
stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE,
rtscts=True, dsrdtr=False) as s:
while running:
#parse data
ypos = struct.unpack('f',res[0:4])[0]
xpos = struct.unpack('f',res[4:8])[0]
yamp = struct.unpack('f',res[8:12])[0]
xamp = struct.unpack('f',res[12:16])[0]
if xamp != 5.0:
print('values', [xpos,ypos,xamp,yamp])
POSITION.set(xpos, ypos)
def animation_wrapper(port_thread):
global running
running = False
def animation(port_thread):
simtime = 0
prevx = 0
prevy = 0
while port_thread.is_alive():
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and
event.key == K_ESCAPE):
# The user closed the window or pressed escape
screen.fill((255, 255, 255, 255))
# Draw the world
for body in world.bodies:
for fixture in body.fixtures:
fixture.shape.draw(body, fixture)
#update robot position from the data
xpos, ypos = POSITION.get()
robot1.position = b2Vec2(xpos, ypos+12)
world.Step(TIME_STEP, 10, 10)
simtime = simtime + TIME_STEP
# Flip the screen and try to keep at the target FPS
# --- main game loop ---
port_thread = threading.Thread(target=port_thread)
# wait for port_thread to start
while not port_thread.is_running():
animation_thread = threading.Thread(target=animation_wrapper,
I have also fixed your indentation. Please be careful about that when using StackOverflow, especially Python code which is indentation-sensitive.