I have a dev macOS VM and the builds work fine using pyinstaller 4.0.
As soon as I update pyinstaller anything other than 4.0, it fails to load my custom *.dylib files which are in the application folder when building pyinstaller.
I installed python using brew.
I am using this to build:
/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin/python3.8 -m PyInstaller --add-binary *.dylib:. --clean --windowed --onedir --noupx --name "$AppName" --icon=main.icns main.py
I have this that adds the program path to system PATH and remember this works with pyinstaller 4.0:
dllpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
if dllpath not in os.environ:
os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + dllpath
but as soon as pyinstaller is a version greater than pyinstaller 4.0, it would show cannot load library...
I have also tried installing the latest version of python and pyinstaller but having the same issue!
Any suggestions?
So in my case the dylib files are in the same path as the script.
On macOS we would need to add "DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH" env so the script would load the lib files.
So before importing cairosvg, we would need to do this:
import os
import sys
# load dlls used by cairo
app_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + app_path # for Windows
os.environ["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = app_path # for macOS
os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = app_path # for Linux