I got a SAS token which was created for a specific folder on my Azure Datalake Gen2. The goal is, to download the folder with all its contents.
I understand, that I can create a DataLakeServiceClient, a FileSystemClient, or a DataLakeDirectoryClient as follows:
# configuration
url = 'https://my-account.blob.core.windows.net'
sas_token = '<sas-token>'
file_system_name = 'file_system_1'
subfolder_path = 'subfolder_1'
# service client
data_lake_service_client = DataLakeServiceClient(account_url=url, credential=sas_token)
# directory client and file system client
file_system_client = data_lake_service_client.get_file_system_client(file_system=file_system_name)
data_lake_directory_client = data_lake_service_client.get_directory_client(file_system=file_system_name, directory=subfolder_path)
Now to download specific files, I need to know what files exist:
Unfortunately, the DataLakeDirectoryClient
does not have a function to get all paths of the files inside that directory.
On the other hand, the FileSystemClient
has that function but is searching on the file system level, where my SAS token does not have access.
How do I list and download all files in my directory?
I have reproduced in my environment and got expected results as below:
In Portal created SAS for subfolder2 and below are files in that folder:
which worked for me :
from azure.storage.filedatalake import DataLakeServiceClient
import os
url1 = "https://accountname.dfs.core.windows.net"
sas = "sp=racwdlmeop&st=2023-08-30T10:46:22Z&se=2023-08-30T18:6:2Z&spr=https&sv=2022-11-02&sr=d&sig=kCkP25wyg%2A5"
data_lake_service_client = DataLakeServiceClient(account_url=url1, credential=sas)
fsc = data_lake_service_client.get_file_system_client(file_system=containername)
portalfolder = [path.name for path in fsc.get_paths(path=subfolderpath)]
for fp in portalfolder:
fct = fsc.get_file_client(file_path=fp)
retrievedfile = fct.download_file()
localSaving = os.path.join(r'C:\Users\Desktop\New folder', fp)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(localSaving), exist_ok=True)
with open(localSaving, "wb") as f:
Downloaded Locally: